Occult Experimentalism
Run with the wild things in the night. Dive for pearls in the celestial sea. Come back intact, if you choose to come back at all.
Cool for: Hedge Witches, Paranaturalists, Orb Ponderers
Occult experimentalism expands your world, granting you new avenues by which to explore the depths of your mind. Its toothy ambition drives you to accept devil's bargains; its embrace of the vast array of spirits animating the world moves you to compassion for insignificant things. You will storm the walls of the palace of your heart's desire and laugh the whole time.
At high levels, your daring will drive you to truck with strange powers. You'll shadowbox spirits above your weight class or spend days nursing a polluted genius loci back to health. However, at low levels you will be unable to smile at the black cats crossing your path or trust in the inherent sanctity of the world. Either way, you dug your grave; now lie in it.
What is your time cycle?